Major Sump is a large vein cavity that is full of silt. Above Major Sump, the passage just ended but due to the presence of the sump, it wasn't possible to see if there was any opportunities for further exploration beyond so it needed bolting. So during Nov and early Dec 2011; Henry Rockcliffe, Rostam Namaghiset and Tom Smith of Sheffield University Speleological Society (SUSS) bolt traversed across the right hand wall and found there was no way on but at least it has now been ticked off.

For more info about the actual trip, see: SUSS Website

News Flash

EA Peakshole Water level Logger at Goosehill Bridge, Castleton

The Environment Agency have installed EA water depth logger at Goosehill Bridge, Castelton. This is now live at: . The water depth is updated every 15 minutes and the datum is the crest of the weir that was installed in 1984/5 by TSG and a group from Manchester Poly. The metre ruler on the left bank of the river when looking downstream from the bridge has the same datum so the levels on the web should be the same as the levels on the ruler.. The outputs contributing to the total flow are Peak Cavern, Slop Moll, Peakshole Sough and Russet Well.

Read more: EA Peakshole Water level Logger at Goosehill Bridge, Castleton