Bung Hole Series Downstream Sump:

The start of the sump is very low but enlarges after 30 m to a pleasant elliptical tube for the next 120 m until a confusing area is reached after 150 m with several low and unexplored bedding planes.

Warning:  This should only be attempted when water levels are low because of the risk of regaining base against the strong current.

Overspill Passage Sump:

The low sump at the end is choked with sand, this hasn't been dived.

Oxbow Sump:

A small sump in south wall just downstream of Treasury Sump, this is too low for diving.

Window Inlet Sumps:

A 1.2 m deep sump pool leads to an easy tube for 16 m to 40 m of low streamway.  A second sump is reached, 3 m long but tight (don't free dive).  40 m of low crawling passage over loose slabs until the passage is blocked by a boulder, the stream enters from an impassable slot in the left wall.

Puttrell's Pool:

This is a low airspace pool that isn't a sump but stopped exploration downstream for many years.

Streamway Sump:

This is a short sump that reduces to a low duck in low water conditions.  This can be bypassed by the short bypass.

The Bottomless Pit Sump:

A pool that has been dived to a depth of -8m but is choked with mud and rocks.

Bottomless Pit Inlet Sump:

A tight passage leads to a sump that is too tight to dive.

Stemple Sump:

This is located in the Halfway House Series.  The large underwater passage descends on the vein, underneath a large rock (careful has this is held in place by an ancient stemple.  At 25 m from base, the roof meets the floor of fine silt at -16 m depth.  THERE IS NO ACCESS TO THIS SITE.

West North West Passage Sump:

A flooded passage beyond Rowse Hall in the Halfway House Series is choked with boulders at -4 m depth.  Dries up in drought.  THERE IS NO ACCESS TO THIS SITE.

Pilkington's Passage Sump:

A small pool leads to a body sized passage with a mud floor for five meters to where the roof meets the mud floor.  No way on could be found.

CDG Newsletter no 176, Jul 2010. Page 25

Assault Course Sump 1:

Situated on approach passage to Pilkington's Cavern, approx 30 m from the far canal.  A small waterlogged tube with slot in floor, too small to dive and end is very close to Far Canal.

Assault Course Sump 2:

Downstream End of the Assault Course, the canyon sumps close to a point with the Far Canal.  Too small to dive.  A similar choked sump has been noted in Far Canal in draught.

Pit Props Sump:

Under the left wall at the start of the passage, steeply descending passage enters a low bedding at -2m, followed in small bedding for 3 m but carries on constricted.  The water that sinks here emerges from immature bedding in south wall just below the Bung Hole Ladder.

Pit Props Inlet Sump:

Steeply descending body sized tube followed for 4.5 m to a slit blockage.

Whirlpool Rising Sump:

HMS Edinburgh - by Pete GlanvillSmall pool near end of whirlpool Passage enters a pleasant bedding tube for approx 45 m emerging in HMS Belfast, a large airbell.  The sump carries on through a bedding passage for 20 m emerging into HMS Edinburgh.  The sump carries on in a bedding passage, after 57 m, a pot is descended to where it becomes jambed with boulders at -11m depth. At the top of the pot, a fine airbell called Mary Rose can be gained, the passage continues low and shallow beyond this point before reaching a low junction 143 m from base.






Whirpool Stopes Sump:

A body tight tube dips down to water after 10 m, this looks too tight to dive.

Bathing Pool:

A 7 m diameter pool has been dived for approx 23m depth; a hole in one of the walls was passed to reach a constriction at 26.3 m depth.

Secret Sump:

A descending tube leads via a mud squeeze into a vertical pot.  This 1 - 1.5 m pot has mud covered walls so visibility goes straight away.  At -38m depth a restriction has to be passed to -41 m, the current limit to the sump.  The shaft appears to continue below.

Main Rising:

Main Rising - by Pete GlanvillA impressive sump pool at the head of the Speedwell Stream, the submerged pot descends vertically for 20m, a silt floor is met, the carries on in a fine phreatic to a floor at - 36m.  A large shaft ascends to -20m to meet a sand col; Bog Pipe Rift rises diagonally upwards to a depth of -3m.  A small hole with a notable current is passed leads down to -15m to a slit floor, this low passage passed through an arch roof to reach The Doux De Castleton, a fine shaft descending downwards. Above the shaft, an airbell can be reached.  The shaft can be descended for -33 m, a large tunnel continuing for 20 m to a further shaft descending below.  The New Leviathan is just off vertical, this descends to -65m depth, a large phreatic rift passage, Remembrance Way descends to -72 m. A low passage appears to go off but is a solid sand choke.

Valanthen, J. 2006. Cave Diving Group Newsletter 161. Page 16.
Groves, M. 2004. Cave Diving Group Newsletter 150. Page 14 - 17.

Cliffhanger Sump:

The sump is very low and awkward for the first 10 m, after this, the passage is more comfortable going reaching a small chamber after a further 20 m.  Beyond here, a low shingly bedding reaches a solid choke 40 m from base.

Joint Effort Sump 1

A small shallow tube that has never been dived.  A bypass near this sump regained the stream in Puzzling Evidence Chamber, this sinking in boulders so there is no point diving this sump.

Joint Effort Sump 2:

A 20 m long silty tube emerges into a small chamber.  A rift upwards leads to a window into Spidros Aven.


News Flash

Peak Cavern Events 2025



Friday 23rd May 2025 - Heaven 17

Saturday 24 May 2025 - The Orb & Ozric Tentacles (A Co Headline Show)

Saturday 31 May 2025 - Ferocious Dog

Friday 4 July 2025 - T.REXTASY

Saturday 5 July 2025 - Absolute Bowie

Friday 11 July 2025 - Livewire the AC/DC show

Saturday 12 July 2025 - The Southmartins

Saturday 19th July 2025 - The dark side of the 80’s - Sanctum Sanctorium

Friday 25 July 2025 - Half Man Half Biscuit

Saturday 9th August 2025 - THOR – “Gods of Rock!”

Friday 15 August - Ultimate Coldplay

Saturday 16 August  - Fleetwood Bac

Friday 22 August 2025 - Queen by The Bohemians

Saturday 23 Aug 2025 - Think Floyd

Friday 29 Aug 2025 - Teenage Fanclub

Saturday 30th August 2025 - ATOMIC – The World’s s Sexiest 80’s Band!